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Sewing Wildflowers 2016

Sewing Wildflowers was a fun, creative planting project for GROW WILD UK that aimed to transform the appearance, character and biodiversity of the community allotments on the Isle of Benbecula. A group of community sewers created a floral banner and a series of botanical art classes and citizen science activities were used to engage and develop awareness of the importance of wildflowers to biodiversity and local food production.

Secondary School Biology/Crofting pupils; the resident Riding Stables Youth Group and An Caladh Youth Cafe (aged 12-25); Employ-ability Group (16-19) learned about biodiversity’s importance to fruit and vegetable production, and used onsite propagating facilities to grow, care for and ultimately plant native wildflowers on the site. The community allotments accommodate over 40 local growers (aged 8-80). This project helped to transform East Camp into a more natural space that was beneficial to insects as well as people.

Download a copy of the Sewing Wildflowers PDF publication by clicking on the PDF button

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