Re- Generation 2019
Re-Generation (2019) presents a Māori-led approach to inspiring and educating would-be volunteers in regenerative planting practices. Charmaine Baillie from the Kaipātiki Project, advocates an enlightened but slower, more painstaking approach to this labour-intensive work, which encompasses holistic and mindful practices that guard against creating more damage in the effort to redress environmental balance to the Kākā Reserve, Auckland, Aotearoa NZ.
Re-Generation, 2019 (HDV: 11:10)
presents an approach to Māori and non-Māori collaboration on the restoration of an urban stream in Aotearoa New Zealand. Together they introduce the collaborative approach taken by the Auckland-based Kaipātiki Project, a community regeneration organisation who are evolving their Western science approach in forest, stream and estuary restoration to engage with principles of Te Ao Māori (the Māori world view).
We can gain new perspectives when learning about other ways of knowing the world, making sense of the world, and feeling part of the world. This could lead to us to develop more sustainable lifestyles and end support for ecology-damaging behaviours. With guidance and support, non-indigenous communities can develop new perspectives on nature and culture, learn to value these more dearly, and begin to help repair some of the ecological damage our ways of living have caused.

In March 2022, we published a joint paper Re-Connecting Community to the Awataha Stream in the E-journal Open Rivers: Issue Twenty, Winter 22: Re-Thinking Water, Place and Community. An interdisciplinary online journal rethinking water, place & community from multiple perspectives within and beyond the academy. ISSN 2471-190X
Click the PDF link to download a copy